I am so excited you came by!

Thursday, 8 May 2014

More Happy News

Not even less than 24 hours that our good friend Kim went under the knife to save her life with a liver donor, my DLTx buddy got her new lungs.

CONGRATULATIONS goes out to Alice Ferguson who was waiting for some time to get her lungs has been blessed with a new set of shiny pink lungs.  My theory is that Kim and Alice have the same donor.  In Double Lung Transplant we have to wait until the lungs go through what's called the X-Vivo machine, created by Toronto's very own Dr. Shef Keshavjee, a brilliant man and mind.

This is the Beautiful Alice before transplant

Shannon on the Left is Alice's daughter.
That's Alice on the right.
Unfortunately I don't have one from post transplant like I did for Kim, but I'll find one, and when I do I will put it up. 


Please be advised this is day 1 after surgery
We all look like we just walked into a door.
But isn't she beautiful!!!!!!!
Alice this is one of the best post transplant pics I have ever seen.  You look marvellous, simply marvellous.

I first met Alice at her fundraiser.  We had spoken on Facebook occasionally, but it was her event that brought us close together.  She was beautiful, dashing and none more than the perfect candidate for transplant.  She was positive, upbeat and didn't let anything get in her way.

Alice to me is going to be one of my new besties.  We will have coffee together, or water.  We'll talk about how transplant is changing lives every where.  Imagine if these pink lungs Alice received are from the same donor as Kim.  how cool would that be. Really Cool!!!!

I couldn't' be happier for Alice today.  When I found out she got her new lungs, I was too busy to put the wonderful news on my blog.  Well Alice my darling, here's to you and the new girls.

Our home town of Cornwall did a nice article on Alice, here's the link:

Special Note:  Alice darling, from on DLTx to the next, it's party time!

Love one another, and sign your organ donation wishes on-line.

Thank you all, 
and have a wonderful, 
light inspired day.


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Working Girl

 Well Hello there Blogger Land, There are so many things in my life, this life that I have never taken for granted, but the fact that I get ...