So today is Thanksgiving in our sister country on The US of A and what am I thankful for, well let me tell you.
I have written a little something for my Donor and his/her family and it goes like this this, while it moves life Jagger...
Okay, so I cannot seem to find this wonderful peice of writing that I has so meticulously placed in a safe place that I, myself cannot find it. So much for super sleuthing.
Today on our news channel CTV Ottawa, which covers all of Eastern Ontario and part of Western Quebec, my friends Mandi and Ronnie Sharpe made it to the new channel. They are all the way out in Arizona somewhere and what should my brown eyes see on our news station, but Mandi holding up her pregnancy test. Yep you heard it hear follks, the Sharpe's have made their way into Canada. WOOHOO. If you are on my facebook you can see the whole video there.
On to why I am thankful this american Thanksgiving day.
1) my donor family
2) My family all of them
3) My American CF family, actually all my CF family
4) My faith in God and his creation in me and my donor family
5) You, yep you. You are here today reeading my blog and knowing that you are here reeading this sure makes me feel alive and loved.
I cannot believe that it will be three years soon that i have been blessed with a new set of lungs. I might also be blessed with a new job, that will finally allow me to save and visit my friends around the world. First place to go is Idaho for my good friend Meg's Baby shower in January, then hopefull to Arizona to see Mandi, Ronnie and Makenna, then to Virginia to see Cara and Patrick and maybe have a tour of the Air Force base in Norfolk where "P" works. TOP GUN I might ass. Cara's got herself her own little Maverick, although taller and better looking.
My need to visit with other CF'ers is something I have always dreamed about. We are not suppposed to be in contact with each other, but i don't know if it's the same after transplant. I will double check with my doctor and see what they say about the whole thing. I know none opf them have Cepacia or MRSA so maybe it is possible. When I think of Meg having a little one, I think about Eva, she woud be so proud of Meg and the tough road she has come down, only to welcome a little man into the world in 2012.
I love babies, you show me a baby and I go nuts. I decided not to have children as my body had been through enough. There are just some things I wasn't meant to do. Give me any baby and I can put them to sleep, I have this thing, this knack I guess you could say. I have been called the Baby Whisperer! Give me your restless baby, and i can calm them down, no problem. It's a thing, I can't explain it. *laughing at myself*
Well there's not much more to say tonight, I will be back tomorrow with some pretty cool news or not. Depends what happens.
Much love, Happy Thanksgiving to my American Cyster and Fibros.
Hiya I have CF too and have just found your blog. I really enjoyed reading it and I'm so happy for you that you got your lungs :) xx