I am so excited you came by!

Thursday 27 August 2009

6 MONTHS... part DEUX!

Hey Everyone,

Boy it's been a long time since i was here posting. I should be shot... no wait then I would have to give up these amazing lungs of mine. It has now been 6 months, and I just got my results from my Bronchoscopy. In case you were wondering what that is, it's a camera that goes down the throat, into the esophagus and then into the lungs, takes a biopsy of the lung tissue and checks for rejection, infection and bacteria.

Well, I am happy to say that I have NO REJECTION, some pseudamonas growing, but nothing to be concerned about, so basically nothing growing, cause it was there when my lungs were put it, I grew it already in my esophagus. Very exciting.

Also, i have been accepted as a volunteer for the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games. What better way, besides being with my family, than to celebrate my 1year anniversary at the Olympics in CANADA!!! Woohoo!!! Vancouver here I come.

So that's about it, hope everyone is well, and laughing a lot. It is, after all, the best medicine.

Love and Prayer to you all

1 comment:


Are you there God, it's me Alison

Hopefully there is no copyright infringement in my Title this week. hehe ugh Can you believe that we are already into February? This is a bi...