I am so excited you came by!

Friday 8 January 2010

Almost Time!

OH MY GOD, I have bought my ticket... I have somewhat all my accommodations in gear, I have sent my schedule to the radio stations here in Cornwall, I have packed my meds and ordered all the ones I need, I have my letters for the flight/airline about my meds, and why I have to keep them on me at all times. I have booked the time needed to pick up my uniform and my training sessions. I am getting so excited, that the anticipation is killing me.

I hear a song on the radio that I like, and all I want to do it dance. Right now I think it's Pink on the radio, and i am standing and dancing while I write this. I am totally going to love this. Not only am I going, but my cousin Jim, is coming along for the experience. He got accepted during the Christmas holidays, and we will be the two Wilson's (my maiden name) who will kick ass in BC. YEAH!

I can't even begin to explain how excited I am about this trip. Although a little bummed that my hubby won't be with me, and that is sad. But at least I am not leaving him for a month to be in the hospital. Things are definitely looking up, not that they were ever down this year!

I will be spending my one year anniversary in Vancouver, and luckily for me, I am off that day. i plan on taking my Aunt and Uncle out for dinner, and my cousin if he isn't working. Well I have to get back to work, and then make an appointment to get my Team Cornwall card picture taken next week. I am running out of time!!!!!!

I will miss you all, and will blog about it as much as I can.

Cheers to you all

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